

製品コード: CC04702I 業界: 領域:

Restaurants and food services are businesses that provide food and drinks to customers in a variety of settings, such as sit-down restaurants, fast food chains, cafes, bars, and catering services. These businesses can range from small family-owned operations to large multinational corporations. Restaurants and food services play an important role in the economy, providing jobs and generating revenue. They also provide an essential service to consumers by offering convenient and affordable options for meals and social gathering. 最新の推定によると, the restaurants and food services market in China is set to achieve an incremental growth of USD 327.3 十億, ほぼ年平均成長率で加速 6.85% 予測期間中 2023-2029.

この業界レポートは中国市場の市場予測を提供します。, followed by a detailed analysis of the operating model, and service type. The China market data on restaurants and food services can be segmented by operating model: フランチャイズ, 非チェーン, 自走式チェーン. The non-chain segment held the largest revenue share in 2022. Restaurants and food services market is further segmented by service type: カジュアルダイニングレストラン, フォーマルダイニング, クイックサービスのレストラン, その他. Formal dining held the highest share in the China restaurants and food services market. しかし, the quick-service restaurant segment is forecast to register the highest CAGR during the forecast period 2023 – 2029.

The China restaurants and food services market is highly competitive. Top players covered in China Restaurants and Food Services Market Study are Burger King Corporation, Beijing Huatian Catering Group, Hangzhou Diet Service Group Company Ltd., Hidilao International Holdings Inc., Home Original Chicken Co. 株式会社, Shanghai Xinghualou (グループ) コ. 株式会社, Starbucks Corporation, Xiabu Xiabu Catering Management Co. 株式会社, Yum! Brands Inc.

データ中心のレポートは市場動向に焦点を当てています, セグメントの現状と見通し. さまざまな市場セグメントにわたる市場を包括的にカバー, レポートは既存のプレイヤーにとって貴重な資産です, 新規参入者と将来の投資家.

▹ Get a detailed picture of the China Restaurants and Food Services Market
▹ Identify segments/areas to invest in over the forecast period in the China Restaurants and Food Services Market
▹ 競争環境を理解する, 市場の主要企業
▹ Excel 形式でのシナリオ全体の分析を容易にするための市場予測.
▹ 3ヶ月間の戦略コンサルティングとリサーチサポート.
▹ シングルユーザーライセンスに印刷認証を提供.


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中国のレストランおよびフードサービス市場 - レポートの範囲






CAGR (2023-2029)





Burger King Corporation, Beijing Huatian Catering Group, Hangzhou Diet Service Group Company Ltd., Hidilao International Holdings Inc., Home Original Chicken Co. 株式会社, Shanghai Xinghualou (グループ) コ. 株式会社, Starbucks Corporation, Xiabu Xiabu Catering Management Co. 株式会社, Yum! Brands Inc.


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無料サンプルをダウンロード - 中国のレストランおよびフードサービス市場
