Global Squalane Market


製品コード: GC03128I 業界: 領域:

Squalane is derived by hydrogenation of squalene. It is naturally present in the skin lipid barrier of plants, animals and humans, preventing moisture loss while restoring skin’s suppleness and flexibility. In contrast to squalene, due to the complete saturation of squalane, it is not subject to auto-oxidation. This fact, coupled with lower costs associated with squalane, make it desirable in cosmetic applications. Squalene is a high-end, oil-free moisturizing ingredient used in many cosmetics that, until recently, was extracted primarily from the liver of deep sea sharks. Squalene is quickly absorbed into the skin without leaving an oily residue and also mixes well with other oils, which will augment its demand in personal care and cosmetic products. Squalene is also used in the manufacture of vaccines. The global squalane market is likely to register a CAGR of over 8.4% 米ドルの漸進的な成長に伴い 97 予測期間中に百万ドル 2022-2028.

この業界レポートは、世界市場の市場予測を提供します。, その後、製品の詳細な分析が行われます, 応用, と地域. The global market data on squalane can be segmented by product: animal-based squalane, biosynthetic squalane, plant-derived squalane. Squalane market is further segmented by application: 化粧品, ダイエットサプリメント, 医薬品, その他. 地域に基づく, the squalane market is segmented into: アジア太平洋地域, ヨーロッパ, 北米, 世界のその他の地域 (行).

The global squalane market is highly competitive. 現在 2021, the major players in the global squalane market were Amyris Inc., Arbee Biomarine Extracts Pvt. 株式会社, Efp Biotek, Kishimoto Special Liver Oil Co. 株式会社, Maruha Nichiro Corporation, Nucelis LLC, Sophim S.A., Vestan SA, Yichun Dahaigui Life Science Co. 株式会社.

データ中心のレポートは市場動向に焦点を当てています, セグメントの現状と見通し. 主要地域にわたる包括的な市場評価による, レポートは既存のプレイヤーにとって貴重な資産です, 新規参入者と将来の投資家.

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Global Squalane Market

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CAGR (2022-2028)





Amyris Inc., Arbee Biomarine Extracts Pvt. 株式会社, Efp Biotek, Kishimoto Special Liver Oil Co. 株式会社, Maruha Nichiro Corporation, Nucelis LLC, Sophim S.A., Vestan SA, Yichun Dahaigui Life Science Co. 株式会社.

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