

製品コード: GT04168I 業界: 領域:

Low code platforms allow developers to create custom applications and workflows quickly and easily, while reducing the need for extensive coding and development. This approach saves time and resources and enables developers to focus on more complex aspects of the application development process. Low code platforms also provide pre-built modules and integration capabilities that enable developers to integrate with other software systems and data sources, like cloud-based services and databases, to create powerful and integrated applications. Low code platforms are useful for a wide range of applications, including business process automation, mobile applications, data visualization, and content management. They enable organizations to create custom applications that meet their specific needs more quickly and at a lower cost than traditional development methods. さらに, low code platforms are often easier to maintain, upgrade, and scale as business needs change over time. 最新の推定によると, the global low code development platform market is set to achieve an incremental growth of USD 47.3 十億, ほぼ年平均成長率で加速 29.51% 予測期間中 2023-2029.

この業界レポートは、世界市場の市場予測を提供します。, followed by a detailed analysis of the application type, デプロイメントモード, 組織の規模, エンドユーザー, と地域. The global market data on low code development platform can be segmented by application type: デスクトップおよびサーバーベース, モバイルベースの, ウェブベースの. The desktop and server-based segment captured the largest share of the market in 2022. Low code development platform market is further segmented by deployment mode: クラウドベースの, オンプレミス. The cloud-based segment held the largest share of the global low code development platform market in 2022 予測期間中もそのシェアを維持すると予想されます. 組織の規模に基づく, the low code development platform market is segmented into: 大企業, 中小企業 (中小企業). の 2022, the large enterprises segment made up the largest share of revenue generated by the low code development platform market. エンドユーザーベース, the low code development platform market also can be divided into: BFSI, エネルギーとユーティリティ, 政府, 健康管理, それ, 製造業, 小売と電子商取引, その他. このうち, IT部門が最も高い収益を生み出した 2022. Low code development platform market by region is categorized into: 北米, ヨーロッパ, アジア太平洋地域, もの (中東とアフリカ), ラテンアメリカ.

The global low code development platform market is highly competitive. Top players covered in Global Low Code Development Platform Market Study are Appian Corporation, Magic Software Enterprises Ltd, マイクロソフト, オラクル株式会社, Outsystems Inc., Pegasystems Inc., QuickBase Inc., Inc., 株式会社サービスナウ, シーメンスAG, Temenos AG, ZOHO Corporation.

データ中心のレポートは市場動向に焦点を当てています, セグメントの現状と見通し. 主要地域にわたる包括的な市場評価による, レポートは既存のプレイヤーにとって貴重な資産です, 新規参入者と将来の投資家.

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• Identify segments/areas to invest in over the forecast period in the Global Low Code Development Platform Market
• 競争環境を理解する, 市場の主要企業
• Excel 形式でのシナリオ全体の分析を容易にするための市場予測.
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CAGR (2023-2029)





Appian Corporation, Magic Software Enterprises Ltd, マイクロソフト, オラクル株式会社, Outsystems Inc., Pegasystems Inc., QuickBase Inc., Inc., 株式会社サービスナウ, シーメンスAG, Temenos AG, ZOHO Corporation

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