世界のヨウ化水素市場 2023


製品コード: GC04769R 業界: 領域:

ヨウ化水素酸 (こんにちは) 水素から構成される強力で腐食性の高い酸です。 (H) とヨウ素 (私). It is known for its strong reducing properties and is used in various applications. One of the key uses of hydriodic acid is in the preparation of inorganic iodides. For example, it can be reacted with potassium hydroxide (KOH) to produce potassium iodide (KI), which has applications in medicine, 写真撮影, and chemical processes. 同様に, hydriodic acid can react with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to form sodium iodide (NaI), which is utilized in various industries, including healthcare and nuclear medicine.

Hydriodic acid is also used is in organic synthesis. It serves as a powerful reducing agent, capable of converting functional groups such as aldehydes, ketones, and nitriles into alcohols or amines by adding hydrogen atoms. This makes it valuable in the production of pharmaceuticals, ファインケミカル, and other organic compounds. Another important application of hydriodic acid is in the synthesis of iodine-containing compounds. It can be used to introduce iodine atoms into organic molecules, leading to changes in their properties and reactivity.

最新の推定によると, the global hydriodic acid market, 収入の面で, の CAGR で進歩すると予想されます 5.8% 予測期間中, 2023-2029.

レポートは市場規模と成長をカバーしています, セグメンテーション, 地域内訳, 競争環境, trends and strategies for global hydriodic acid market. 利害関係者が現在の市場機会を活用できるように、市場の定量的な分析を提供します。. このレポートはまた、市場動向と主要な競合他社のアプローチに基づいて、機会と戦略の上位セグメントを特定します。.


応用: エレクトロニクス, iodides, pharmaceuticals and pesticides, その他
領域: アジア太平洋地域, ヨーロッパ, 北米, 行 (世界のその他の地域)

この業界レポートは、世界市場の市場推定と予測を提供します。, 続いてアプリケーションの詳細な分析, と地域. The global market for hydriodic acid can be segmented by application: エレクトロニクス, iodides, pharmaceuticals and pesticides, その他. ヨウ化水素酸 (こんにちは) is primarily used in the production of both organic and inorganic iodides. In organic synthesis, hydriodic acid serves as a valuable reagent for converting certain functional groups containing oxygen, nitrogen, or sulfur atoms into corresponding iodides. This reaction, known asiodination,” is widely employed in pharmaceutical, agrochemical, and fine chemical industries to introduce iodine atoms into organic molecules. The resulting organic iodides can exhibit unique properties or serve as intermediates for further reactions.

さらに, hydriodic acid is also utilized in the production of inorganic iodides. These inorganic iodides find application in various sectors, including healthcare, 写真撮影, and industrial processes. For example, potassium iodide (KI) is commonly prepared by reacting hydriodic acid with potassium hydroxide (KOH). Potassium iodide is frequently employed in medicine as a supplement to treat iodine deficiency and in radiographic contrast media.

Sodium iodide (NaI) is another inorganic iodide produced using hydriodic acid. It is commonly used in scintillation detectors for detecting and measuring radiation. NaI-based detectors are particularly useful in areas such as nuclear medicine, environmental monitoring, and research applications.

Hydriodic acid market is further segmented by region: アジア太平洋地域, ヨーロッパ, 北米, 行 (世界のその他の地域). Asia-Pacific held the largest share in the global hydriodic acid market in 2022 and is projected to portray the fastest growth rate in the coming years. The region encompasses countries with well-established chemical and pharmaceutical industries, which are major consumers of hydriodic acid. The robust growth of these industries in the Asia-Pacific region has contributed significantly to the increasing demand for hydriodic acid.


The report also provides analysis of the key companies of the industry and their detailed company profiles including Ajay-SQM Group, Deepwater Chemicals, 株式会社, GHW International, 株式会社, GODO SHIGEN Co., 株式会社, Iofina Chemical, 株式会社, Ise Chemicals Corporation, Jiangxi Jiayin Optoelectronic Materials Co., 株式会社, Jiangxi Shengdian S&T Co., 株式会社, Jindian Chemical Co., 株式会社, Nippoh Chemicals Co., 株式会社, Omkar Speciality Chemicals Ltd., Shandong Boyuan Pharmaceutical & Chemical Co., 株式会社, とりわけ. このレポートでは, 市場の競争見通しを理解するために、主要なプレーヤーとその戦略を徹底的に分析します。.


To analyze and forecast the market size of the global hydriodic acid market.
To classify and forecast the global hydriodic acid market based on application, 領域.
To identify drivers and challenges for the global hydriodic acid market.
合併などの競争展開を検討するため & 買収, 協定, コラボレーションとパートナーシップ, 等, in the global hydriodic acid market.
To identify and analyze the profile of leading players operating in the global hydriodic acid market.


Gain a reliable outlook of the global hydriodic acid market forecasts from 2023 に 2029 シナリオ全体にわたって.
Excel 形式でのシナリオ全体の分析を容易にするための市場予測.


▹ China has implemented temporary anti-dumping measures on imports of hydroiodic acid and ethanolamine. These measures are in response to an initial ruling that dumping of these products from certain countries has caused substantial damage to China’s domestic industry. 結果として, starting from June 23, importers of hydroiodic acid are required to pay security deposits to the Chinese Customs. The rate for these deposits ranges from 41.1 percent to 118.8 パーセント, depending on the specifics of the import.

世界のヨウ化水素市場 2023

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世界のヨウ化水素市場 2023 - レポートの範囲


市場規模 (2022)






CAGR (2023-2029)





応用, 領域


アジア太平洋地域, ヨーロッパ, 北米, 行 (世界のその他の地域)


Ajay-SQM Group, Deepwater Chemicals Inc., GHW International Inc., GODO SHIGEN Co. 株式会社, Iofina Chemical Inc., Ise Chemicals Corporation, Jiangxi Jiayin Optoelectronic Materials Co. 株式会社, Jiangxi Shengdian S&T Co. 株式会社, Jindian Chemical Co. 株式会社, Nippoh Chemicals Co. 株式会社, Omkar Speciality Chemicals Ltd., Shandong Boyuan Pharmaceutical & Chemical Co. 株式会社.

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世界のクエン酸亜鉛市場, 収入の面で, までに成長すると予想される 3.2 年間パーセント 2030, 最新の推定によると. トップマーケット企業のプロフィールが含まれています…

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