Global Curcumin Market 2023


製品コード: GC05020R 業界: 領域:

Curcumin is a bioactive polyphenol compound derived from Curcuma longa, commonly known as turmeric. As the principal curcuminoid present in turmeric root, it imparts the characteristic yellow-orange hue and has been traditionally utilized for centuries in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine.

Extensive modern research efforts have elucidated curcumin’s myriad pharmacological properties relevant to chronic inflammation, cardiometabolic, oncologic, neurological and psychiatric conditions. This proliferating evidence base underscores curcumin’s prospective as an adjunct or preventative therapy across diverse therapeutic areas.

Aligned with evolving clinical insights, the global curcumin market is poised for meaningful growth of approximately $35.7 million through 2029 according to recent projections. This represents a solid projected compound annual expansion rate of nearly 7.6% over the forecast period.

Underlying drivers center around intensifying R&D endeavors among ingredient suppliers. Constant formulation refinement aims to surmount curcumin’s inherent solubility limitations impeding systemic absorption. Nanotechnological approaches, standardized extracts and innovative delivery platforms now optimize bioavailability profiles.

Concurrent investments into preclinical mechanistic examinations and rigorous human trials serve to corroborate structure-activity relationships and validate efficacy for indications like digestive disorders, arthritis, cancer supportive care and cardiovascular protection. As the evidentiary foundation matures, wider integration into evidence-based healthcare can be reasonably anticipated.


この包括的な業界レポートは、市場の見積もりと予測を提供します。, 申請書の詳細な審査を伴う, そして地域的な側面. 市場の定量的な分析を提供します, 利害関係者が既存の市場機会を活用できるようにする. さらに, レポートは、潜在的な機会と戦略の主要なセグメントを特定します。, 市場動向と主要な競合他社のアプローチから洞察を引き出す.
• Application: 化粧品, 食品と飲料, 医薬品, その他
• Region: 北米, アジア太平洋地域, ヨーロッパ, 世界のその他の地域 (行)

The curcumin marketplace can be analyzed based on application area. Currently, pharmaceuticals represent the largest segment, dominating market share in 2022. The promising therapeutic prospects identified through expanding preclinical and clinical research are driving incorporation into medical settings. As scientific evidence validates curcumin’s safety and efficacy profile across therapeutic subsets, its integration into mainstream healthcare practices is accelerating.

Cosmetics and food/beverages usage also proliferates; しかし, market projections indicate the fastest volume growth occurring within medical applications. Heightened accessibility of standardized extracts and formulations compliant with regulatory requirements for medication will stimulate clinical utilization above other sectors.

Curcumin market is further segmented by region: 北米, アジア太平洋地域, ヨーロッパ, 世界のその他の地域 (行). North America currently dominates the curcumin marketplace and is expected to maintain leadership over the forecast period. Concentrated R&D endeavors among academic institutions and the thriving natural products industry have elevated North American expertise in leveraging bioactives like curcumin. Cosumer receptiveness to integrative healthcare options further stimulates the regional market.


The report also provides a detailed analysis of several leading curcumin market vendors that include Arjuna Natural Extracts Ltd., Biomax Life Sciences Limited, ChenGuang Biotech Group Co., 株式会社, Hebei Tianxu Biotech Co., 株式会社, Herboveda India Pvt. 株式会社, ヒンドゥスタンミント & アグロプロダクツ社. 株式会社, Indena S.p.A., K. Patel Phyto Extractions Pvt Ltd., Konark Herbals And Healthcare Private Limited, Naturite Agro Products Ltd., OmniActive Health Technologies Limited, Organica Aromatics Pvt. 株式会社, PT. Helmigs Prima Sejahtera, Sabinsa Corporation, Star Hi Herbs Pvt. 株式会社, Synthite Industries Ltd., Theravalues Corporation, Verdure Sciences, 株式会社, ワッカーケミーAG, とりわけ. このレポートでは, 市場の競争見通しを理解するために、主要なプレーヤーとその戦略を徹底的に分析します。.


To analyze and forecast the market size of the global curcumin market.
To classify and forecast the global curcumin market based on application, 領域.
To identify drivers and challenges for the global curcumin market.
合併などの競争展開を検討するため & 買収, 協定, コラボレーションとパートナーシップ, 等, in the global curcumin market.
To identify and analyze the profile of leading players operating in the global curcumin market.


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Global Curcumin Market 2023

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Global Curcumin Market 2023 - レポートの範囲


市場規模 (2022)

米ドル 60.2 百万





CAGR (2023-2029)





応用, 領域


北米, アジア太平洋地域, ヨーロッパ, 世界のその他の地域 (行)


Arjuna Natural Extracts Ltd., Biomax Life Sciences Limited, ChenGuang Biotech Group Co. 株式会社, Hebei Tianxu Biotech Co. 株式会社, Herboveda India Pvt. 株式会社, ヒンドゥスタンミント & アグロプロダクツ社. 株式会社, Indena S.p.A., K. Patel Phyto Extractions Pvt Ltd., Konark Herbals And Healthcare Private Limited, Naturite Agro Products Ltd., OmniActive Health Technologies Limited, Organica Aromatics Pvt. 株式会社, PT. Helmigs Prima Sejahtera, Sabinsa Corporation, Star Hi Herbs Pvt. 株式会社, Synthite Industries Ltd., Theravalues Corporation, Verdure Sciences Inc., ワッカーケミーAG

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