Global Composable Infrastructure Market


製品コード: GT04166I 業界: 領域:

Composable infrastructure is a concept in IT infrastructure management that refers to an approach where the hardware components of a system such as compute, ストレージ, and network resources are disaggregated and programmable. A composable infrastructure is designed to be more modular and flexible than traditional IT infrastructure, allowing IT teams to dynamically allocate and reconfigure resources as needed. With composable infrastructure, hardware components are available in a pool or a fabric of resources, and software platforms can be used to compose them as needed, creating customized infrastructures for specific applications or workloads. This approach enables IT teams to allocate resources on-demand from a shared pool of resources while optimizing the performance of the infrastructure to meet specific business requirements. In composable infrastructure, each resource is treated as a service, and software tools are used to provision and manage these resources. This approach enables IT teams to reduce time spent on infrastructure management and achieve faster deployments for new applications or services. It also enables IT teams to improve resource utilization and reduce infrastructure costs by using only the resources that are needed, when they are needed. The global composable infrastructure market is anticipated to increase by USD 9.0 10億まで 2029 平均年間成長率で 21.15 最新の市場推定によるパーセント.

この業界レポートは、世界市場の市場予測を提供します。, その後、コンポーネントの詳細な分析が行われます, エンドユーザー, と地域. The global market data on composable infrastructure can be segmented by component: ハードウェア, ソフトウェア. このうち, the hardware segment was accounted for the highest revenue generator in 2022. Composable infrastructure market is further segmented by end user: BFSI, 健康管理, ITと通信, 製造業, その他. The IT and telecom segment is estimated to account for the largest share of the global composable infrastructure market. 地域に基づく, the composable infrastructure market is segmented into: 北米, ヨーロッパ, アジア太平洋地域, もの (中東とアフリカ), ラテンアメリカ. North America held the largest share of the global composable infrastructure market in 2022 予測期間中もそのシェアを維持すると予想されます.

The global composable infrastructure market is highly competitive. The competitive landscape of the industry has also been examined along with the profiles of the key players Dell EMC (デル・テクノロジーズ株式会社), Fungible Inc., Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co., Juniper Networks Inc., レノボ・グループ・リミテッド, Liqid Inc., ネットアップ株式会社, Nutanix Inc., Western Digital Corp.

データ中心のレポートは市場動向に焦点を当てています, セグメントの現状と見通し. 主要地域にわたる包括的な市場評価による, レポートは既存のプレイヤーにとって貴重な資産です, 新規参入者と将来の投資家.

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Global Composable Infrastructure Market

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CAGR (2023-2029)





Dell EMC (デル・テクノロジーズ株式会社), Fungible Inc., Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co., Juniper Networks Inc., レノボ・グループ・リミテッド, Liqid Inc., ネットアップ株式会社, Nutanix Inc., Western Digital Corp.

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