澳大利亚工业防护服市场 2024


产品代码: AI05150R 行业: 地区:

Industrial protective clothing constitutes any garment or ensemble, woven from appropriate natural or synthetic textiles, donned by personnel laboring amidst settings characterized by potentially damaging ambient noise, projectiles, extreme thermal differentials, hazardous materials, or traumatic physical impacts. When judiciously selected and properly equipped with the necessary protective attributes, shields, filters and insulators, such raiment may mitigate or eliminate the dangers posed to workers by their occupational environs, thereby preserving health, safety and productivity.

根据最新估计, the industrial protective clothing market in Australasia is set to achieve an incremental growth of USD 41.8 百万, 以近乎复合年增长率加速 3.8% 在预测期内 2024-2030.

这份全面的行业报告提供了市场估计和预测, 伴随着对产品的详细检查, durability type, 最终用户, 和国家方面. 它提供了市场的定量分析, 使利益相关者能够利用现有的市场机会. 此外, 该报告确定了潜在机会和战略的关键部分, 从市场趋势和领先竞争对手的方法中汲取见解.

The global industrial protective clothing market has been extensively analyzed by categorizing it according to various sub-segments in order to provide accurate forecasts of industry size and assess trends within specific areas.
The Australasia market for industrial protective clothing can be segmented by product: antistatic clothing, chainsaw clothing, chemical protective clothing (CPC), cold and wet clothing, heat and flame-resistant clothing, high visibility clothing. The heat and flame-resistant clothing segment held the largest share of the Australasia industrial protective clothing market in 2023 预计在预测期内将持有其份额.
Industrial protective clothing market is further segmented by durability type: disposable protective clothing, non-disposable protective clothing. In Australasia, the non-disposable protective clothing segment made up the largest share of the industrial protective clothing market.
Based on end-user, the industrial protective clothing market is segmented into: 建造, 制造业, 矿业, 其他的 (e.g. 农业, 林业, firefighting, 力量, ETC。).
On the basis of country, the industrial protective clothing market also can be divided into: 新西兰, 澳大利亚.

The report also provides a detailed analysis of several leading industrial protective clothing market vendors that include 3M Company, BOC Limited (林德公司), Drägerwerk AG & 钴. KGaA., 杜邦德内穆尔, 公司, Elliott Australia Pty Ltd, 霍尼韦尔国际公司, MSA 安全公司, UVEX WINTER HOLDING GmbH & 钴. 公斤, Wesfarmers Limited, 除其他外. 在这份报告中, 全面分析关键参与者及其策略,以了解市场的竞争前景.


Gain a reliable outlook of the industrial protective clothing market in Australasia forecasts from 2024 到 2030 跨场景.
Excel 格式的跨场景分析易用性的市场预估.

Market Segments Covered in Australasia Industrial Protective Clothing Industry Analysis:
我。) 产品
Antistatic clothing
Chainsaw clothing
Chemical protective clothing (CPC)
Cold and wet clothing
Heat and flame-resistant clothing
High visibility clothing

二.) Durability type
Disposable protective clothing
Non-disposable protective clothing

三.) End-user
– 建造
– 制造业
– 矿业
– 其他的 (e.g. 农业, 林业, firefighting, 力量, ETC。)

iv。) 国家
– 新西兰
– 澳大利亚

澳大利亚工业防护服市场 2024

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市场规模 (2023)

美元 160.4 百万





复合年增长率 (2024-2030)





产品, Durability Type, End-User, 国家


新西兰, 澳大利亚


3M公司, BOC Limited (林德公司), Drägerwerk AG & 钴. KGaA., 杜邦德内穆尔公司, Elliott Australia Pty Ltd, 霍尼韦尔国际公司, MSA 安全公司, UVEX WINTER HOLDING GmbH & 钴. 公斤, Wesfarmers Limited

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