搜索结果 11:
- 生物技术
Global Protein A Resin Market
$1,125.00Global protein a resin market by product (agarose-based protein A, glass and silica-based protein A, organic polymer-based protein A), 按类型 (natural protein A, recombinant protein A), 通过申请 (antibody purification, immunoprecipitation), 由最终用户 (pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies, 研究机构, 其他的), 按地区 (北美, 欧洲, 亚太, 事物 (中东和非洲), 拉美), 行业快照, 2023-2029
- 生物技术
Global Microbiological Culture Market
$600.00Global microbiological culture market by product (starter cultures, adjunct and aroma cultures, probiotics), 通过申请 (饮料, dairy products, 食物, 水果和蔬菜, 其他的), 按地区 (北美, 欧洲, 亚太, 事物 (中东和非洲), 拉美), 行业快照, 2022-2028
- 生物技术
Global Environmental Remediation Market
$1,350.00Global environmental remediation market by type (air remediation, ground/surface water remediation, soil remediation), 通过申请 (农业, 化学加工, landfill, 制造业, mining and forestry, 油和气, 其他的), 按地区 (亚太地区, 欧洲, 北美, 世界其他地区 (排)), 行业快照, 2022-2028
- 生物技术
Rapid Pathogen Detection Market in USA
$950.00USA rapid pathogen detection market by product (detection devices, 传感器), by testing method (immunological analysis, 质谱, polymerase chain reaction (聚合酶链式反应)), 行业快照, 2022-2028
- 生物技术
Global Clinical Next-generation Sequencing Market
$950.00Global clinical next-generation sequencing market by component (乐器, workflow solution (套件, 服务, ETC。)), by disease class (癌症, non-cancer), by disease category (心血管, clinical microbiology and infectious diseases, mendelian disorders, metabolic/immune, neurological, 肿瘤学, reproductive health, transplantation), by test complexity (hotspot, multi-gene, single gene, whole genome, whole/targeted exome), by test purpose (diagnosis, 监控, screening/early detection, therapy guidance), 按地区 (亚太地区, 欧洲, 北美, 世界其他地区 (排)), 行业快照, 2022-2028
- 生物技术
Global Human Genetics Market
$1,350.00Global human genetics market by application (diagnostic & treatment, preventive medicine, 其他的), by test method (carrier testing, karyotyping, next-generation sequencing (NGS), noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT), pharmacogenomic testing, SEPT9 biomarker testing, thrombophilia testing, 其他的), 按地区 (亚太地区, 欧洲, 北美, 世界其他地区 (排)), 行业快照, 2022-2028
- 生物技术
Global DNA Repair Drugs Market
$1,350.00Global DNA repair drugs market by application (乳腺癌, ovarian cancer), 按地区 (亚太地区, 欧洲, 北美, 世界其他地区 (排)), 行业快照, 2022-2028
- 生物技术
Global Alanine Market
$1,550.00Global alanine market by product (D-alanine, DL-alanine, L-alanine), 通过申请 (食物 & 饮料, 药品 & 卫生保健, MGDA, 其他的), 按地区 (北美, 亚太地区, 欧洲, 世界其他地区 (排)), 行业快照, 2022-2028