显示 31-60 个结果(共 60 个结果)
- 航天
Global Remote Sensing Satellites Market
$2,750.00Global remote sensing satellites market by application (地球观测 (EO), mapping and navigation, meteorology), 由最终用户 (商业的, 防御), 按地区 (亚太地区, 欧洲, 北美, 世界其他地区 (排)), 外表 & 预报, 2022-2028
- 航天
Global Airport Baggage Handling Market
$3,000.00Global airport baggage handling market by product (baggage handling system, baggage management system), by airport tier (tier 1, tier 2, tier 3, tier 4, tier 5), 按地区 (北美, 欧洲, 亚太, 世界其他地区 (排), 拉美), 外表 & 预报, 2022-2028
- 航天
$800.00Global airborne isr market by type (载人的, 无人), 通过申请 (空中预警 & 控制 (预警机&C), 机载地面监视 (AGS), 海上巡逻 (国会议员), 海上侦察机 (多发性硬化症), 信号情报 (信号情报)), 按地区 (北美, 欧洲, 亚太, 世界其他地区 (排)), 行业快照, 2022-2028
- 航天
Global Airport Baggage Handling System Market
$2,400.00Global airport baggage handling system market by tier (tier 1, tier 2, tier 3, tier 4, tier 5), 按地区 (北美, 欧洲, 亚太, 事物 (中东和非洲), 拉美), 外表 & 预报, 2022-2028
- 航天
Global Aircraft Seat Actuation System Market
$900.00Global aircraft seat actuation system market by mechanism (linear, rotary), by actuator type (electromechanical, 其他的), by aircraft type (固定翼飞机, helicopters), 按地区 (北美, 欧洲, 亚太, 世界其他地区 (排)), 行业快照, 2022-2028
- 航天
Global Very Light Jet Market
$800.00Global very light jet market by aircraft type (light aircraft, ultra-light aircraft), 通过推进 (conventional fuel, electric and hybrid), 按材料 (铝, 复合材料, 其他的), 由最终用户 (民商事, 军队), 按地区 (亚太地区, 欧洲, 北美, 世界其他地区 (排)), 行业快照, 2022-2028
- 航天
Global In-flight Entertainment and Connectivity Market
$850.00Global in-flight entertainment and connectivity (IFEC) 按产品划分市场 (IFE hardware, IFE connectivity, IFE content), by fit (改造, linefit), by airline business type (full-service carriers (FSC), low-cost carriers (低成本航司)), by aircraft type (narrow body aircraft (NBA), wide body aircraft (WBA)), 按地区 (亚太地区, 欧洲, 北美, 世界其他地区 (排)), 行业快照, 2022-2028
- 航天
Global Smart Airport Market
$750.00Global smart airport market by airport location (airside, landside, terminal side), 通过技术 (air/ground traffic control, communication systems, passenger, cargo and baggage handling control, security systems), 按地区 (亚太地区, 欧洲, 北美, 世界其他地区 (排)), 行业快照, 2022-2028
- 航天
Global COTS Components for Satellites Market
$1,350.00Global cots components for satellites market by subsystem (attitude determination and control subsystem, command and data handling system, communication subsystem, electrical and power subsystem, payload, propulsion control subsystem, thermal control subsystem, 其他的), by mass class (0-500kg, 501-1,000kg, 1,001kg and above), 按地区 (亚太地区, 欧洲, 北美, 世界其他地区 (排)), 行业快照, 2022-2028
- 航天
Global Earth Observation Drones Market
$1,350.00Global earth observation drones market by drone type (fixed-wing, rotor-wing), 通过申请 (agriculture and forestry, cinematography, disaster management, industrial inspection and monitoring, 搜寻及救援, 监视和侦察, 测绘, 其他的), 按地区 (亚太地区, 欧洲, 北美, 世界其他地区 (排)), 行业快照, 2022-2028
- 航天
Global Digital MRO Market
$2,600.00Global digital mro market by technology (3数码印刷, AR/VR, artificial intelligence, big data analytics, blockchain, internet of things (物联网), 预测性维护, 其他的), 通过申请 (inspection, part replacement, performance monitoring, predictive analysis, 其他的), 由最终用户 (airlines, MRO providers, 整车厂), 按地区 (北美, 亚太地区, 欧洲, 世界其他地区 (排)), 外表 & 预报, 2022-2028
- 航天
Global Drone Package Delivery System Market
$950.00Global drone package delivery system market by component (基础设施, 平台, 服务, 软件), by duration (short duration (<30 minutes), long duration (>30 分钟)), by range (短距离 (<25 kilometers), long range (>25 kilometers)), by package size (<2 kilograms, 2–5>5 kilograms), 由最终用户 (food delivery, medical aids delivery, postal delivery, retail goods delivery, 其他的), 按地区 (北美, 亚太地区, 欧洲, 世界其他地区 (排)), 行业快照, 2022-2028
- 航天
Global Supersonic Jet Market
$950.00Global supersonic jet market by aircraft type (light jet, mid-size jet, large jet), 通过申请 (business travel, 商业的), 按地区 (北美, 亚太地区, 欧洲, 世界其他地区 (排)), 行业快照, 2022-2028
- 航天
Global Satellite Communication Equipment Market
$950.00Global satellite communication equipment (SATCOM) 按产品划分市场 (SATCOM antenna, SATCOM modem, SATCOM receiver, SATCOM transceiver, SATCOM transponder, 其他的), 通过技术 (SATCOM VSAT, SATCOM telemetry, SATCOM automatic identification system (AIS), SATCOM-on-the-move, SATCOM-on-the-pause), 按平台 (便携的, land mobile, maritime, 空降的, land fixed), 由最终用户 (商业的, 政府 & 防御), 按地区 (北美, 亚太地区, 欧洲, 世界其他地区 (排)), 行业快照, 2022-2028
- 航天
Global Aviation Maintenance Training Market
$2,600.00Global aviation maintenance training market by training type (air traffic control training, aircraft maintenance training, airline crew training, aviation sales & marketing training, pilot training), 通过技术 (live training, simulated training), 按组件 (airframe, avionics, engine, interior, 其他的), by aircraft type (fixed-wing, heavy jets, light jets, mid-size jets, 旋翼), 按地区 (北美, 亚太地区, 欧洲, 世界其他地区 (排)), 外表 & 预报, 2022-2028
- 航天
Global Flight Data Monitoring Market
$1,350.00Global flight data monitoring market by component (硬件, 服务, 软件), 通过解决方案 (on ground, onboard), 由最终用户 (drone operators, fleet operators, investigation agencies), 按地区 (亚太地区, 欧洲, 北美, 世界其他地区 (排)), 行业快照, 2022-2028
- 航天
Global Aircraft Cockpit Display Market
$2,600.00Global aircraft cockpit display market by product (engine-indicating and crew-alerting system (EICAS), multifunction display (MFD), primary flight display (PFD)), by size (少于 5 inches, 5-10 inches, 多于 10 inches), 按平台 (商业的, 军队), 按地区 (亚太地区, 欧洲, 北美, 世界其他地区 (排)), 外表 & 预报, 2022-2028
- 航天
$1,350.00Global aircraft docking systems market by product (完整/组合码头, 发动机坞, 机身坞站, 鼻子底座, 尾坞, 机翼码头), by aircraft type (固定翼飞机, 旋翼飞机), 按平台 (商业的, 通用航空, 军队), 通过申请 (维护修理和大修 (维修、维修及大修), 制造业, 绘画), 按地区 (亚太地区, 欧洲, 北美, 世界其他地区 (排)), 行业快照, 2022-2028
- 航天
Global Aircraft Insurance Market
$2,600.00Global aircraft insurance market by product (public liability insurance (PLI), passenger liability insurance, in flight insurance, ground risk hull (non-motion) 保险, combined single limit (中超联赛), ground risk hull (motion) 保险, hangar and ground service equipment insurance, umbrella insurance), 通过申请 (commercial aviation, 商业 & 通用航空), 由最终用户 (air taxi operators, aircraft product manufacturers, airlines, 机场, corporate aircraft operators and owners, ground operators, individual general aviation aircraft operators, leasing companies, maintenance repair & overhaul (维修、维修及大修) companies), 按地区 (亚太地区, 欧洲, 北美, 世界其他地区 (排)), 外表 & 预报, 2022-2028
- 航天
Global Space Tourism Market
$1,350.00Global space tourism market by type (orbital space tourism, suborbital space tourism), 行业快照, 2022-2028
- 航天
Global Aerospace Floor Panels Market
$450.00Global aerospace floor panels market by raw material (aluminum honeycomb, nomex honeycomb, 其他的), by aircraft type (narrow-body aircraft, very large aircraft(VLA), wide-body aircraft), 由最终用户 (business jets, commercial aviation, military aircraft), 按地区 (亚太地区, 欧洲, 北美, 世界其他地区 (排)), 行业快照, 2022-2028
- 航天
Global Small Launch Vehicles Market
$2,400.00Global small launch vehicles (SLV) market by payload (payload, 0-500kg, 501kg-2,000kg), by launch platform (空气, balloon, 土地, sea), 按服务类型 (post-launch, pre-launch), by propellant (杂交种, 液体, 坚硬的), 由最终用户 (商业的, 政府, 军队, non-profit organization, university), 按地区 (亚太地区, 欧洲, 北美, 世界其他地区 (排)), 外表 & 预报, 2022-2028
- 航天
Global Flight Inspection Market
$2,600.00Global flight inspection (FI) 按解决方案划分的市场 (system, 服务), 由最终用户 (defence airport, commercial airport), 按地区 (北美, 亚太地区, 欧洲, 世界其他地区 (排)), 外表 & 预报, 2022-2028
- 航天
Global Satellite Subsystem Market
$1,250.00Global satellite subsystem market by product (attitude and orbit control subsystem (AOCS), 沟通, data handling, integration, mechanism, on-board computer, payload, 力量, 推进力, structure, systems engineering, testing, 热的, 其他的), 通过申请 (technology development, 地球观测 (EO), communications, space science and research, 导航, 其他的), 由最终用户 (商业的, military and government, 其他的), 行业快照, 2022-2028
- 航天
Global Airport Waste Management Market
$2,200.00Global airport waste management market by airport tier (tier 1, tier 2, tier 3, tier 4, tier 5), 按地区 (北美, 亚太地区, 欧洲, 世界其他地区 (排)), 外表 & 预报, 2022-2028
- 航天
Global Commercial Aircraft NextGen Avionics Market
$2,400.00Global commercial aircraft nextgen avionics market by product (airborne collision avoidance system, communication system, flight management system (FMS), navigation system, surveillance system, weather detection system, 其他的), by installation type (forward-fit, 改造), by aircraft type (narrow-body aircraft, wide-body aircraft), 按地区 (亚太地区, 欧洲, 北美, 世界其他地区 (排)), 外表 & 预报, 2022-2028
- 航天
Global Aircraft MRO Market
$2,400.00Global aircraft mro market by component (airframe, avionics, cabin, engine, landing gear, 其他的), by aircraft type (fixed wing aircraft, rotary wing aircraft), 由最终用户 (商业的, 军队), 按地区 (亚太地区, 欧洲, 北美, 世界其他地区 (排)), 外表 & 预报, 2021-2027
- 航天
Global Aircraft Wheels MRO Market
$2,400.00Global aircraft wheels mro market by product (nose wheel, main wheel), 通过技术 (inspection, machining, non-destructive testing, 其他的), 通过申请 (narrowbody aircraft, widebody aircraft, 通用航空, aircraft, military aircraft, helicopter), 按地区 (亚太地区, 欧洲, 北美, 世界其他地区 (排)), 外表 & 预报, 2021-2027
- 航天
$2,400.00Global drone flight simulators market by component (硬件, 软件), 通过技术 (增强现实 (增强现实), 虚拟现实 (虚拟现实)), by simulator type (固定系统, 便携式系统), by drone type (固定翼, 旋翼), 按地区 (亚太地区, 欧洲, 北美, 世界其他地区 (排)), 外表 & 预报, 2021-2027
- 航天
Global Aircraft Wheels and Brakes Market
$2,400.00Global aircraft wheels and brakes market by component (brakes, braking system, wheels), by fit type (line fit, retro fit), 由最终用户 (商业的, 防御), 按地区 (亚太地区, 欧洲, 北美, 世界其他地区 (排)), 外表 & 预报, 2021-2027